Strategy Call

A 90min One to One Strategy Call with Krishna to plan your roadmap to your dream business.

What is the strategy call?

Perhaps you need a little more clarity regarding your business, or maybe you want create a solid plan for kicking off next year in your business, or you want to want to shift that one niggling self-limiting belief that is holding you back. Whatever it is, the STRATEGY CALL is here to focus on what needs your attention the most so you remove the stops and skyrocket your business.


Each STRATEGY call will look a little different - that’s because they’re completely tailored to you and your needs. Whether that’s working through a business problem, a new strategy, creating your roadmap to launch your business or its imposter syndrome! Together we will find clarity and create a plan of action, or perhaps find a new avenue for your work as you pivot your business. 

How does it work?

  1. As soon as you signup, I will send you a strategy workbook so I can be best prepared to support you on our call. You will also receive access to my calendar so you can book in a slot that works best for you. 
  2. On the day of the call we will connect for 90 mins and work on specific things you need support with in your business. 
  3. After the call, I will send you the call recording so you can go through it in your own time and you will also have 7 day email access to ask any questions. 

What can I use a STRATEGY call for?

Pretty much anything you want! Here are some ideas:

- How to launch your skincare business
- Creating a solid marketing plan
- Setting up a high converting sales strategy.
- Reviewing your product range
- Setting up Facebook and Instagram ads
- Refining your websites or specific sales pages or offers
- Niching down your audience based on brand values.