
The truth is launching your own skincare range means you’ll be trying to compete in some of the most globally oversaturated markets of all time

What if I could show you how to find your place, doing what you love, in an overlooked corner of that market, just waiting for you to tap into and make it your own?
Oh, and wait until you hear about the profit margin.

how-to-run-skincare-workshops-skincare products in bowls with facial brush

Side hustle| Full-time business | Growing skincare brand
There’s space for you and this is the best possible time to slide on in 

Does this sound like you?

You’ve probably been making your own amazing skincare for a while and have been thinking about turning it into an income stream. And you’ve probably also been wondering how you’ll ever get past all the hurdles – legal, insurance, testing, labelling, marketing – without a whole bunch of help and a whole pile of capital to invest.

 Oh, there are courses. But they’ll tell you to start a skincare business selling products. You know, going up against those huge brands that are household names?  

With products comes costs. There’s the exorbitant costs of set-up stock, the packaging alone can cost you in the tens of thousands, and marketing against the big brands is almost impossible without a whopper of a budget. You certainly didn’t think turning your passion into a business would mean spending so much time worrying about overheads. Then, all that other ‘stuff’? That can suck the joy right out of something you once thought you’d love doing for an income.  

I’m here to let you know you can skip all that. And see a profit. Fast.

I promise you, from the perspective of someone who has not only created their own skincare for years but also taught hundreds of other people how to effectively launch their own range, there’s one big gap in the market just calling for smart women to fill it.

Instead of struggling with the boring business side of things, why not focus on what you actually love doing – crafting skincare - and share it with others instead?

The Skincare Atelier 


the only skincare program teaching you how to run skincare workshops and turn them into a flourishing business! 

You’ll know by now, launching an entire skincare brand is fulfilling, but adding additional revenue stream is every entrepreneurs dream. 

And let’s not forget, skincare is becoming an oversaturated industry. For every market stall there’s 10 local shops, and for every local shop there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of online skincare brands.

So how do you compete?

You don’t. You step sideways.

Instead of simply offering your products, you offer your knowledge.

The fact is: the skincare industry simply needs more teachers who can teach about skincare. Especially those who want to show people how to make their own. Also a fact: our society is becoming more and more aware about what they put on their skin and they want to not only know about every ingredient in their own products, but perhaps start making them for their own families.

You know yourself how enjoyable it is to create a serum or cream that feels marvellous on your skin and, best of all, works wonders. To be able to share that recipe with others, rather than doing the hard slog of formulation testing, mass production, and labelling legalities, means you get to pass the love of skincare onto beginner skincare enthusiasts, bringing joy and confidence into their lives as well as yours.

The beauty of that? It doesn’t matter how ‘unprecedented’ the times are, because you can easily switch it up between in-person and online, at a moment’s notice. In fact, you can grow a skincare workshop empire… in your slippers.

Here's What Kate of Switzerland Said:

I am having so much fun bouncing around looking at the recipes!

I have an ecommerce specializing in handmade skin polishes. I don't have a background in making cosmetics, but I have a product that I had created for personal use years ago so it is my only offering at the moment. Your Recipe Bundle was like the answer to my prayers! I desperately want to expand my line and include at the very least a line of bath products - bath bombs and bath salts. I am well aware that I really needed to add facial products and the like but the Mt Everest of understanding the basics, yet ANOTHER course to take (on top of Instagram, blogging, video recording etc) I knew it would be years before I could have a product ready. I cannot wait to start experimenting with your recipes and eventually expanding my line of products. I adore the sector and love love love what I do so this is exactly what I needed right now. Your sourcing references are a total game changer too as that's another huge hurdle! I wish you all the success, your product seems well put together and your quick responses to my emails have gained you a fan!

I’ll guide you through everything


I teach the basics of skincare making in my other courses, but if you’ve already been doing it for a while, you need the next level.   

You’re at the tipping point of starting a business or taking your already-launched business to a new level, and what you need is a point of difference in an industry jam-packed with competitors. And you do not want to sacrifice your family time, your values, or your life savings to make it happen.

You’d like to take your passion and have it make you money working a lot less hours than launching a skincare line would encompass.  

By hosting skincare making workshops, you can share your enthusiasm and knowledge with people in your own neighbourhood or even all over the world.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a confident speaker or not, it doesn’t matter if you love big crowds or small, it doesn’t even matter if you’ve never stood in front of anyone and taught anything at all. Because I’ll teach you all of that too. I’ll guide you through everything you need to know to be able to confidently host small or large scale events online or in-person, allowing you to work around your life commitments and grow a steady income for yourself and your family.

And I’ll show you how amazing the profit margin is considering all you need is this program and what you probably already have in your inventory.

Become the go-to for skincare making workshops with

The Skincare Atelier
(one to one for 6 weeks)

It’s so incredibly rare to find a spot you fit in a market as powerfully oversaturated as skincare. And every other course you can take currently teaches you how to start a skincare business selling products.

 I think you have something even more special than what you can whip up with your own two hands.  

You have… you!  

Join us this round and pay just £600 – that’s £700 less than if you join later this year. (And don’t forget the option to add Formulate Like A Pro course included this month only, at a value of £99, usually £247) 

The Skincare Atelier delivers:

6 one to one Zoom Call, 6 weeks of learning, with a module packed with multiple lessons each week including:

  • Mindset and teaching skills
  • Workshop planningFinding your niche
  • Design advice
  • Pricing and marketing (with a tried-and-tested system!)
  • Everything you need for delivering an incredible workshop  
  • All the compliance and legal things you need to know (and nothing you don’t)
  • Every single thing you can think of (and some you probably have never considered) from how to set up the workshop room to how to beautifully lay out the table, even down to the best way to tie your ingredients up in an adorable, Instagram-worthy bundle! 
  •  A set of 25 diverse formulations and recipes to get you started  
  • A private community to practice your teaching skills and get feedback from and  
  • Opportunity to add, Formulate like a PRO to get you the indepth knowledge on skincare formulation. 

Total estimated value = about the same you’d pay for incredible skincare packaging just to stand out in such a competitive market (yep, that’s thousands of dollars alone)

Join this round for only £600

Places are limited | Payment plans available |
No, I wasn’t joking about the cost of skincare packaging  

Think about it, you probably already have everything you need in your inventory to run your first workshop, besides the planning and marketing knowledge I’m going to give you. And that means some serious return on your investment for every single workshop you run. In fact, skincare making workshops easily have the biggest profit margin in the entire industry.  

Your time is now. 

Let’s break it all down

(because I love a formula as much as the next skincare maker!)

This is a 6 week program. I’ll teach you every itty-bitty element of learning to run massively profitable skincare workshops, including:

How to teach!

It may sound basic, but there’s lots to know and I’ll bring all my best tips and insider knowledge so you feel 100% confident standing in front of a gaggle of enthusiastic skincare makers and directing them through – step-by-step – what they need to do so they learn fast and have oodles of fun.

How to do it confidently

Learn to tap into your own confidence (even if it’s something you don’t think you have yet) in both structuring and presenting your workshops. Because when you have a grand master plan you know works (and you will, as I’ve tried and tested it hundreds of times over) you’ll be brilliantly comfortable following a method that even your nerves won’t be able to wobble. Trust me, I’m a natural introvert who has run skincare workshops for pre-teens. They’re the toughest crowd around!

How to market

This is the doozy, right? And probably something that’s gotten in your way in the past. You want to do something you adore doing, but not if you’re going to have to turn into an entire marketing department just to get your products in front of eyeballs. For years, I’ve taught blossoming skincare makers to market their own ranges through courses and consulting in ways they’ve never even thought of. Ways that mean they don’t need a degree in Marketing to sell everything they want to. No matter if you want to offer workshops in-person or online, I have a whole batch of delectable advice, insider tips, and strategies to get your workshops filled and your waitlists reassuringly bursting.

How to niche

There’s something that lights you up. There are probably even parts of your own backstory that involve someone you love, or a situation, where you’ve started creating your own skincare so you can fill a gap, fix a problem, or simply to bring joy. Teens, men, vegans, low-tox, no tox, herbal, zero waste, local produce, aromatherapy enthusiasts – there’s a market for your unique specialty and when you become known for doing something amazingly well, you’ll never be short of willing and able participants.

How to make it special

The bonus of learning how to run skincare workshops as a side (or main) hustle is personalising your workshops so they’re memorable, delightful, and people rave about them to their friends – filling up your bookings without you having to market your pants off. And you get to deliver your own brand values and showcase to your fabulous participants how to look at themselves and the products they use with a new perspective.

Most business models will require a good chunk of change for capital and start-up costs.

Not so when you become a Skincare Atelier.

  You’ll be ready to confidently launch your business with very little overheads and not much more than what you already have on hand.  This is truly an accessible option for entering the skincare industry on your own terms – and without having to learn from your own mistakes.

   (Learn from mine, instead!)      

You’re ready to master the skincare basics.  

Now let’s take it to the next level with The Skincare Atelier. 

I’m Krishna Patel,


and in my former life I wore the disguise of Accountant. Secretly, deep down, I was a maker – a creator. And I was tired of spending so much money on expensive products that not only barely helped with my children’s skin conditions, but sometimes actually made them worse.

I bit the bullet, looked up some recipes online, ordered my ingredients, and started making.

And guess what!? All of those products ended up in the bin. Everything I created either made my skin worse or grew mould over it. Ooops, that was meant to be the part of the story where all my dreams came true, right?  

No, I gave up!  

For a while. But with doctors prescribing me steroid creams and the news broadcasting about the toxins in our skincare I decided to reach out to some professional skincare makers who made and sold natural products. And they all told me the same thing: I needed to learn the basics from qualified formulators.  

I took their advice and got certified in Organic Skincare Formulation.  

Only, I didn’t want to launch a skincare range. What I really wanted was to teach other people what I’d spent a whole whack of money learning myself – only faster, with less fuss, and with outcomes that were just as satisfying.  

In the years since then, I’ve created countless skincare products for myself and my friends and family, and taught hundreds of people how to do the same – and then market them – through Skincare Makers Club. (You might be one of them!) Oh, and I no longer wear my Accountant hat, because it turns out skincare was far more fun – for my soul and my bank balance.

I get a real thrill out of learning, sharing, and teaching, and one of my favourite things in the world is what I call the ‘bath bomb moment’ – the reaction from one of my students when a product turns out exactly as it should and looks beautiful! There’s a sense of satisfaction and pride that leads to even bigger and better things, which is why I’m expanding on my offerings and am now here to teach you to do exactly what I do: not just making skincare, but offering workshops so others can do the same. 

The Skincare Atelier


There’s an incredible number of inclusions in The Skincare Atelier so I’ve broken it down into the following modules:

Mindset and teaching skills

- Uncovering your inherent teaching skills
- Understanding your why!
- Confidence in front of crowds
- Income goals  

Planning your workshop

- Finding your niche
- Choosing an audience
- Picking a location (different types and locations of workshops and which one will work for you)


- Designing the structure of the workshop including timing and content
- Designing the recipes (so much fun!)  
- Visual material (recipes, flyers, ads, posts, labels – all the pretty things that make participants gasp)

Pricing and Marketing

- Finding your price point (this is really where my past-life comes in handy!)
- The Simply Smooth Skincare Workshops Marketing System

Workshop Delivery

- Checklist creation
- Setup plan on the day
- Getting setup online  
- Creating Events on Facebook
- Taking payments
- Review and feedback forms

Compliance and Legalities

- COVID safety and other Health& Safety Processes
- Risk assessments (so you and your attendees are safe and protected at all times)
- Insurance

And a huge, get-you-started bonus

25 recipes for you to incorporate into your workshops so you can get workshopping ASAP! There’s five each for face, body, kids, spa, and mum and baby workshops, so no matter which niche you choose (or even if you offer all of them) you’ll have tried and true recipes to hand any time you need them.

Add-On of Formulate Like A Pro to become a qualified Skincare Formulator and add confidence and authority to your skincare craft.

Never made your own skincare (or just made a mess when you first gave it a whirl) but really think this is something you’d love to do? Do not – I repeat: Do not do what I did. Add my signature course, Formulate Like A Pro, and learn everything you need to know about formulas and compliance, so you’re the full bottle on skincare creation. This is the perfect addition to The Skincare Atelier if you haven’t had a lot of experience crafting your own skincare yet but want to level up quickly. 

Yes, this will be intensive, but it’s every single thing you need to know about turning your passion for skincare making into the perfectly suited business for you – using workshops.

Video Proof It Works!


Here's what more women like you are saying about The Skincare Atelier

Who is The Skincare Atelier for?

This is for you if...

  • You’d given up on breaking into the skincare industry because of cost, time, or the sacrifice involved
  • You’ve been in it for a while and feel like you spend your entire working week marketing and trying to juggle the massive outgoings
  • You simply love teaching people about your particular blend of magic – awareness of the importance of what goes on skin, reducing waste, the magic of aromatherapy or herbals 
  • You have a complementary business and know this could be a great addition to what you already have to offer  
  • You’d like to work some months, but then not others (maybe you’re a new mum, or you have other, competing personal priorities you need flexibility for) 
  • You like people, and want to work in a spot with nice profit margins with good humans and bring your fun self to teaching  

The Skincare Atelier takes the guesswork and stress out of learning to run skincare workshops

Become the go-to for skincare making workshops with

The Skincare Atelier
(one to one for 6 weeks)

It’s so incredibly rare to find a spot you fit in a market as powerfully oversaturated as skincare. And every other course you can take currently teaches you how to start a skincare business selling products.

 I think you have something even more special than what you can whip up with your own two hands.  

You have… you!  

Join us this round and pay just £600 – that’s £700 less than if you join later this year. (And don’t forget the option to add Formulate Like A Pro course included this month only, at a value of £99, usually £247) 

The Skincare Atelier delivers:

6 one to one Zoom Call, 6 weeks of learning, with a module packed with multiple lessons each week including:

  • Mindset and teaching skills
  • Workshop planningFinding your niche
  • Design advice
  • Pricing and marketing (with a tried-and-tested system!)
  • Everything you need for delivering an incredible workshop  
  • All the compliance and legal things you need to know (and nothing you don’t)
  • Every single thing you can think of (and some you probably have never considered) from how to set up the workshop room to how to beautifully lay out the table, even down to the best way to tie your ingredients up in an adorable, Instagram-worthy bundle! 
  •  A set of 25 diverse formulations and recipes to get you started  
  • A private community to practice your teaching skills and get feedback from and  
  • Opportunity to add, Formulate like a PRO to get you the indepth knowledge on skincare formulation. 

Total estimated value = about the same you’d pay for incredible skincare packaging just to stand out in such a competitive market (yep, that’s thousands of dollars alone)

Join this round for only £600

Places are limited | Payment plans available |
No, I wasn’t joking about the cost of skincare packaging  

Think about it, you probably already have everything you need in your inventory to run your first workshop, besides the planning and marketing knowledge I’m going to give you. And that means some serious return on your investment for every single workshop you run. In fact, skincare making workshops easily have the biggest profit margin in the entire industry.  

Your time is now.